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Election day is November 5th. Camas is less than a month from deciding a $78 million bond proposal to build a $72 million pool that we'll being paying off for the next 20+ years. Camas, WA; population 23,700, a small town on the Columbia River blessed with natural beauty worth preserving - is trying to build the most expensive municipal swimming facility in Washington state history - You can still help stop this 20 year mistake.






    • The NO on the Camas Pool Bond group of volunteers will soon begin canvassing locally to hand out fact sheets and flyers that help neighbors with unanswered questions get the information they need before they vote. Click here to volunteer your time

  2. SHARE

    • Please share the materials (Like this Fact Sheet) or the links and stories from our website directly with friends or on sites like Facebook, Nextdoor and anywhere your neighbors congregate. We add relevant content daily - Include your own opinions, so your friends and neighbors can know where you stand and be inspired to share themselves.

  3. DIY

    • Print up and hand out 5 Fact Sheets or call 5 neighbors and educate them on this important ballot issue.



    • You're time is the most valuable asset here, but the city has already spent $69,640 of taxpayer dollars on a single consultant so far with the sole charge to get this bond passed. Signs, flyers and advertising are costly and anything you can give to the campaign is helpful. Click here to Donate.


    • We need real neighbors like you to show up at Council meetings, Parks and Rec Meetings, and Open Houses (city meeting schedule) to demand answers to legitimate questions. Review our News Page or our Fact Sheet and ask this city any questions you have that don't have answers at every opportunity.


But most importantly, we need you to Vote NO and send a clear message that $72 million for a new pool in Camas is simply TOO MUCH!


Welcome to the Team!

Vote NO! on Proposition 2

Estimated costs to replace the Crown Park outdoor Camas pool were $2.2 million, yet the city closed that pool in 2018. In 2019, costs of a “replacement” pool have ballooned to $72 Million for a 78,000 square foot indoor facility with a 25 meter competition pool, a second recreation/leisure pool, fitness equipment, a gym, and rooms for events. Add $6 Million for existing sports field improvements, replacing natural grass with turf, for an exorbitant $78 Million 20-year bond on November’s ballot. These construction costs will add approximately $1.04 per $1000 assessed property value (APV) to annual property taxes, which translates to $500 for a $480,000 Camas home.

Camas families and businesses will be forced to pay annual bond taxes, even if they never use the facility. To actually use the facility, hefty membership or use fees will be charged. Based on rates charged by Vancouver’s Firstenburg Aquatic Center for their single pool center, annual family membership fees could exceed $700 per year. (UPDATE: City projects $800/year) Nearby athletic clubs offer pools and/or workout facilities, and it is unfair for the City of Camas to compete with or push out longtime businesses.

The city already owns and operates The Lacamas Lake Lodge events center across the road from the proposed new Camas Aquatics Center, in addition to The Fallen Lake Park outdoor facility adjacent to the proposed site. The City of Camas Community Center south of downtown also rents space. Local schools also rent gyms, rooms, theaters, fields and stadiums to community groups. Essential city services like roads, water, and infrastructure are priority, not facilities already available in our community. 

Operation costs are not included in this bond and are projected to exceed revenues by $850,000 per year. A new metro parks tax district and additional levies are being considered to pay for these projected losses for this massive center.

Schools, Fire, and EMS also ask for tax hikes, and city, county, port and state raise taxes without asking. Camas property taxes have grown significantly over the last 20 years, and are higher than surrounding areas. Our tax burden is already high, and this bond will significantly increase city taxes.

The proposed lakeside location is a notorious traffic bottleneck and safety concern. Alternate locations in less congested areas have been identified, yet ignored. This unnecessary, elaborate pools center is simply too expensive for many Camas residents and businesses. 

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PHONE: 360-818-4377



Camas Taxpayers Alliance

3533 NW Norwood St.

Camas, WA 98607

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