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"I've Received My Ballot, Now What?"

Writer's picture: Staff WriterStaff Writer

(10/20/2019: CAMAS, WA.)

How to cast a vote in WA:

Most important thing to know: All registered voters in Clark County will receive ballots for this coming election. Ballots should arrive as early as today, Friday, October 18 and no later than Oct. 24. If you think you’re registered and haven’t received your ballot, move quickly to contact the elections office directly - quickest by phone at (564) 397-2345

Are you registered to vote in Washington State?: It’s quick and easy to check at this VoteWA website. (

Just submit your full name and birthday (as they appear on your Driver’s license or other official state document) and you’ll receive a registration status and confirmation of your registered address where your ballot will be mailed. Once you’ve confirmed you’re registered as expected, you can stay on this site awhile to view an online voter’s guide, voting center location guide and a ballot status section that tells you exactly when your ballot was mailed out to your registered address.

Opening your Ballot Packet: Your ballot packet will include a ballot, a yellow security envelope and a white return envelope. If you need a replacement ballot, contact the Elections Office directly ( or visit the VoteWA website to request a new ballot online. (

Casting your vote: Use a dark blue or black ink pen to completely fill in the box to the left of your choice. Vote for one choice for each office or ballot measure. If you vote for more than one choice, no votes will be counted for that office or ballot measure. Leaving an office or ballot measure blank will not invalidate your ballot.

To correct a mistake: Draw a line through the incorrectly marked choice. You then have the option of marking another choice.

To vote for a Write-in Candidate: Completely fill in the box next to the dotted line and write the candidate's name on the dotted line.

When Returning Your Ballot: If you mail your ballot, it must be postmarked by Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th. Check the pick-up schedule on the mailbox to confirm Election Day hours with the post office. If you return your ballot to a drop site location, it must be inside the signature envelope and returned by 8:00 pm on Election Day for it to be Counted.

Return your ballot: When ready to return your ballot please confirm that it is: -Postmarked no later than Election Day; or -Returned to a designated ballot drop box by 8 pm on Election Day; or -Returned in person to the Elections Office by 8 pm on Election Day.

After you fill out your ballot you can visit one of seven red permanent ballot drop boxes available 24 hours a day starting at least 18 days before election day. (

The closest permanent drive-up ballot for us Camasonians is at the downtown Camas Post Office - 440 NE 5th Avenue, Camas. As a benefit, A stamp is not needed when depositing a ballot in a red drop box.

You can also return your filled out ballot in person to the county office in Downtown Vancouver at 1408 Franklin Street or go to one of many election day only ballot deposit locations you’ll find listed in your voter’s pamphlet - these are usually places like churches, schools or community centers.

Extra Information: If you or anyone you know needs them, the state of Washington provides AVUs, or accessible voting units with many options to assure all have a chance to cast a ballot. Find more details on accessible voting here. (

If you or a family member are in the military, there are also special considerations you should review here. (…/military-and-overseas-voters)

All citizens are welcome to observe ballot processing if they choose. Contact the Elections Office to arrange a time. (

You can get a digital “I voted” sticker to post on social media here. (

Here’s a fun 2015 video produced by the county to show you what happens in the process from when ballots are created to when they are counted and eventually shredded after election results are certified. (

Elections Office Contact Information:

Location: 1408 Franklin Street Vancouver

Telephone: (564) 397-2345

Speech-to-Speech Relay: (800) 833-6384

Fax Number: (564) 397-2394



Vote NO! on Proposition 2

Estimated costs to replace the Crown Park outdoor Camas pool were $2.2 million, yet the city closed that pool in 2018. In 2019, costs of a “replacement” pool have ballooned to $72 Million for a 78,000 square foot indoor facility with a 25 meter competition pool, a second recreation/leisure pool, fitness equipment, a gym, and rooms for events. Add $6 Million for existing sports field improvements, replacing natural grass with turf, for an exorbitant $78 Million 20-year bond on November’s ballot. These construction costs will add approximately $1.04 per $1000 assessed property value (APV) to annual property taxes, which translates to $500 for a $480,000 Camas home.

Camas families and businesses will be forced to pay annual bond taxes, even if they never use the facility. To actually use the facility, hefty membership or use fees will be charged. Based on rates charged by Vancouver’s Firstenburg Aquatic Center for their single pool center, annual family membership fees could exceed $700 per year. (UPDATE: City projects $800/year) Nearby athletic clubs offer pools and/or workout facilities, and it is unfair for the City of Camas to compete with or push out longtime businesses.

The city already owns and operates The Lacamas Lake Lodge events center across the road from the proposed new Camas Aquatics Center, in addition to The Fallen Lake Park outdoor facility adjacent to the proposed site. The City of Camas Community Center south of downtown also rents space. Local schools also rent gyms, rooms, theaters, fields and stadiums to community groups. Essential city services like roads, water, and infrastructure are priority, not facilities already available in our community. 

Operation costs are not included in this bond and are projected to exceed revenues by $850,000 per year. A new metro parks tax district and additional levies are being considered to pay for these projected losses for this massive center.

Schools, Fire, and EMS also ask for tax hikes, and city, county, port and state raise taxes without asking. Camas property taxes have grown significantly over the last 20 years, and are higher than surrounding areas. Our tax burden is already high, and this bond will significantly increase city taxes.

The proposed lakeside location is a notorious traffic bottleneck and safety concern. Alternate locations in less congested areas have been identified, yet ignored. This unnecessary, elaborate pools center is simply too expensive for many Camas residents and businesses. 

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3533 NW Norwood St.

Camas, WA 98607

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