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Is Anyone Listening?

Writer's picture: Staff WriterStaff Writer

by Phillip Will

Camas Resident/Taxpayer

Do you feel heard Camas?

The neighbors I’ve spoken to don’t. They saw the Crown Park pool, a Camas landmark donated to this city by the Camas Lions back in 1954 at a cost of $90,000, demolished and replaced by a patch of grass and an empty promise of a $78 million dollar pool. The Crown Park pool was a generous gift and a legacy for that generation that the city has since reduced to rubble to further an agenda. A small recent poll of your neighbors (more detail below) saw a clear majority proclaiming that the city should have spent/raised the small amount needed to fix the Crown Park Pool.

An article in The Columbian explains how before the Crown Park pool you’d be left to learn to swim in the “Sandy Swimming Hole”. After it’s construction, generations of Camas families saw the Crown Park pool as the highlight of every summer. They learned to swim there before eventually seeing their own children swim in that same water, surrounded by the same beautiful trees - just a little bit taller. Then, in January 2018, Camas city councilors voted to not open the pool that summer and as time would show, never open it again. City Administrator Pete Capell was quoted, “Bringing the pool into compliance with health and safety codes would have cost somewhere in the range of $481,000 to $710,000”. Renovation estimates were between $1.69 to $2.19 million. $2 million to update the legacy the Lion’s left Camas into a beautiful living monument to the history of this town and it’s people.

An informal poll conducted on the neighborhood social media app, Nextdoor* showed that our neighbors have two things to say to the city regarding the Crown Park Pool:

At the time of this article’s posting, 86% of those surveyed say that YES, the city should have spent/raised $2 million dollars to fix the Crown Park Pool.

At the time of this article’s posting, 92% said they DID NOT support the proposed $78 million dollar pool complex proposed near Lacamas lake, but 78% of that same group said that they DO support the idea of some type of community pool in Camas.

So why did this survey need to be done by one of your neighbors? Why didn’t the city ask these simple questions themselves and act accordingly? The city did actually spend your tax dollars to hire a “survey consultant firm” to conduct a survey at one point. It makes you wonder, what does a survey consultant do and why would you need one with a small town like Camas? Does a survey consultant ask the questions that get the answers needed to support a political agenda? Why did we pay, taxpayer funds, for a company to do this work? Sometimes a person that is hesitant to ask the honest question, doesn’t want to hear the honest answer. Does Camas want to hear it’s citizens - there’s a patch of grass in Crown park that used to be a pool that can answer that question for you.

The survey consultants the city hired deployed two rounds of surveys, the results of which are unavailable at this link on the city’s website at the time of writing. The Columbian referenced the results at the time, “When faced with replacing the pool or getting rid of it… Sixty-seven percent of responders wanted to replace the pool with a new pool, which would cost an estimated $1.9 million to $2.2 million according to the survey.”

From $2 million to $78 million for a blank check plan without a locked location, building plan or amenities list in about a year. If you’re a property owner, think about how much your home is worth - would you give that amount to a builder with a history of not listening to their clients if they said, “we’ll figure it out after you give us the check”. Voting NO on the $78 million dollar pool bond is the first step to getting control of Camas back from a city government that is willfully ignoring the voice of its people.

* is an app that strictly verifies a user’s address through phone billing information or through a postcard sent directly to their reported address with a verification code through the mail. This limits fraud and results in you speaking with your actual neighbors unlike with apps like Facebook and Twitter.


Vote NO! on Proposition 2

Estimated costs to replace the Crown Park outdoor Camas pool were $2.2 million, yet the city closed that pool in 2018. In 2019, costs of a “replacement” pool have ballooned to $72 Million for a 78,000 square foot indoor facility with a 25 meter competition pool, a second recreation/leisure pool, fitness equipment, a gym, and rooms for events. Add $6 Million for existing sports field improvements, replacing natural grass with turf, for an exorbitant $78 Million 20-year bond on November’s ballot. These construction costs will add approximately $1.04 per $1000 assessed property value (APV) to annual property taxes, which translates to $500 for a $480,000 Camas home.

Camas families and businesses will be forced to pay annual bond taxes, even if they never use the facility. To actually use the facility, hefty membership or use fees will be charged. Based on rates charged by Vancouver’s Firstenburg Aquatic Center for their single pool center, annual family membership fees could exceed $700 per year. (UPDATE: City projects $800/year) Nearby athletic clubs offer pools and/or workout facilities, and it is unfair for the City of Camas to compete with or push out longtime businesses.

The city already owns and operates The Lacamas Lake Lodge events center across the road from the proposed new Camas Aquatics Center, in addition to The Fallen Lake Park outdoor facility adjacent to the proposed site. The City of Camas Community Center south of downtown also rents space. Local schools also rent gyms, rooms, theaters, fields and stadiums to community groups. Essential city services like roads, water, and infrastructure are priority, not facilities already available in our community. 

Operation costs are not included in this bond and are projected to exceed revenues by $850,000 per year. A new metro parks tax district and additional levies are being considered to pay for these projected losses for this massive center.

Schools, Fire, and EMS also ask for tax hikes, and city, county, port and state raise taxes without asking. Camas property taxes have grown significantly over the last 20 years, and are higher than surrounding areas. Our tax burden is already high, and this bond will significantly increase city taxes.

The proposed lakeside location is a notorious traffic bottleneck and safety concern. Alternate locations in less congested areas have been identified, yet ignored. This unnecessary, elaborate pools center is simply too expensive for many Camas residents and businesses. 

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Camas, WA 98607

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