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Shame on the Camas/Washougal Post Record

Writer's picture: Staff WriterStaff Writer

by Phillip Williams

Camas Resident and Taxpayer

I’ve had to explain this Camas election cycle to neighbors who weren’t following along, as well as friends and family outside of our wonderful town. One of the things I’ve marveled at again and again is how the larger idea of national politics has not entered the conversation.

Some of the folks involved in this issue have gone very low in the conversation, but again, as low as they’d go, they wouldn’t cross that line. I’ve been so hopeful that, regardless of national party affiliation, we start the day after this election fresh with such a strong piece of common ground, as far as I’ve seen from my involvement in the NO side of this argument at least, to forge long lasting connections beyond larger politics - similar to those that have been through a battle together because unfortunately, that’s what this has been. I’ve met "NO on the Pool Bond" voters from every different band of the rainbow. Many have talked to me as if they understood I was 100% in agreement with their larger political views and that just hasn’t always been true, but again, we identify so strongly on why this pool is a bad idea for Camas and that has been IMPORTANT enough for people to make that leap and connect with another human being on a fundamental level.

The most dangerous people in this conversation have been those paying half or no attention. They’ve come into an ongoing conversation, organically or with encouragement from friends with an agenda, and they’ve missed a lot of nuance that's preceded them in this discussion because many of them aren’t here to understand - they are here to fulfill a mission. They’ve come in frivolously, blind and with a solid assumption that they know that a NO voter is definitely a [insert political insult here] that they personally oppose. They are treating this like sport and they’ve been cheered on and encouraged by an opportunistic and narcissistic yes campaign chair and you know what - as much as I disagree with that person and his underhanded tactics of gaslighting, projection and illusory truth, I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE HE STANDS POLITICALLY. I actually don’t care because I don’t need an excuse to not like him, I already know who he is on a deeper level from this experience and, judging from the deception in this bond issue campaign, it’s ugly, regardless of who he supports for president.

The only person that did cross that line to date however, and more than once, has been Kelly Moyer, managing editor of the Camas-Washougal Post-Record.

Kelly has decided to play fast and loose with our lives here in Camas. I don’t know that Kelly lives in Camas and I don’t care because in or out, she has shown herself to be an unethical journalist and in my opinion from her raw thoughts in these editorials, a person that would not hesitate to incite extreme individuals among us to action in these especially elevated times. Kelly’s paper serves a small town and she manages a staff of two people named Doug and Wayne in a small office at the Columbian in Downtown Vancouver (Columbian owns the Post-Record). Doug and Wayne, I don’t know you, but if you have anything to say to the people of Camas about Kelly’s behavior, I’d encourage you to speak your truth publicly before our election day. I hope you aren’t being forced to go along for this ride, because it will be on your resumes and you should have a say in what vitriol is spewed in the pages of a paper that you have a byline in.

To my neighbors in Camas, I’d like to encourage everyone reading this to write a letter to the editor immediately and submit it to Kelly first. Please post it here, or on social media, as well so that your neighbors can see your thoughts and then watch what actually gets printed in the paper, if anything. Please try to be civil and explain what has upset you about the tactics used by Editor Kelly Moyer to manipulate our city politics.

Kelly Moyer

(360) 735-4674

Please also send the same letter to the editor of the Columbian, who owns her paper:

Craig Brown


And to Clark County Today, started by her former boss at the Reflector.

Ken Vance


Finally send one to the Publisher of the Columbian and owner of the Post-Record, Scott Campbell:

Scott Campbell


(360) 735-4500

Scott’s family has owned the paper since 1921. Please let him know how you feel about Kelly using the Post Record, and his family’s name by association, as her own personal tool to sew hatred and division in a town she has no presence in that I’ve seen - outside of reprinting the city government’s press releases with a little of her own “excitement” thrown in.

If you’re cancelling your subscription to either paper, or considering cancelling your subscription, please tell Scott Campbell that in your email. You can add something like the following to end of your larger thoughts on this irresponsible journalism:

“I’ve been a [INSERT PAPER(S) YOU SUBSCRIBE TO] subscriber for [X] years. I had no intention of ending my business with you until I read the recent string of ridiculous, irresponsible editorials that Kelly Moyer has posted in the pages of the Post Record. You have a chance to win back my business if you can show me this was a mistake and get her to print FRONT PAGE retractions with an apology to the citizens of Camas. I’ll leave her job in general to your discretion. Thank you.



The Society of Professional Journalists, of which Kelly Moyer is a member, says in its code of ethics, “Seek Truth and Report It”. Journalism is important, even more so in a small town like Camas where it can be the only real and constant check on slow and quiet corruption. The SJP ethics code goes on to say, “Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness.” Kelly has crossed that line and we should not be silent in the face of that. Camas deserves a better managed paper. Thank you.


To review the October 24, 2019 Editorial in the Camas Washougal Post Record, click HERE.



Vote NO! on Proposition 2

Estimated costs to replace the Crown Park outdoor Camas pool were $2.2 million, yet the city closed that pool in 2018. In 2019, costs of a “replacement” pool have ballooned to $72 Million for a 78,000 square foot indoor facility with a 25 meter competition pool, a second recreation/leisure pool, fitness equipment, a gym, and rooms for events. Add $6 Million for existing sports field improvements, replacing natural grass with turf, for an exorbitant $78 Million 20-year bond on November’s ballot. These construction costs will add approximately $1.04 per $1000 assessed property value (APV) to annual property taxes, which translates to $500 for a $480,000 Camas home.

Camas families and businesses will be forced to pay annual bond taxes, even if they never use the facility. To actually use the facility, hefty membership or use fees will be charged. Based on rates charged by Vancouver’s Firstenburg Aquatic Center for their single pool center, annual family membership fees could exceed $700 per year. (UPDATE: City projects $800/year) Nearby athletic clubs offer pools and/or workout facilities, and it is unfair for the City of Camas to compete with or push out longtime businesses.

The city already owns and operates The Lacamas Lake Lodge events center across the road from the proposed new Camas Aquatics Center, in addition to The Fallen Lake Park outdoor facility adjacent to the proposed site. The City of Camas Community Center south of downtown also rents space. Local schools also rent gyms, rooms, theaters, fields and stadiums to community groups. Essential city services like roads, water, and infrastructure are priority, not facilities already available in our community. 

Operation costs are not included in this bond and are projected to exceed revenues by $850,000 per year. A new metro parks tax district and additional levies are being considered to pay for these projected losses for this massive center.

Schools, Fire, and EMS also ask for tax hikes, and city, county, port and state raise taxes without asking. Camas property taxes have grown significantly over the last 20 years, and are higher than surrounding areas. Our tax burden is already high, and this bond will significantly increase city taxes.

The proposed lakeside location is a notorious traffic bottleneck and safety concern. Alternate locations in less congested areas have been identified, yet ignored. This unnecessary, elaborate pools center is simply too expensive for many Camas residents and businesses. 

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3533 NW Norwood St.

Camas, WA 98607

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